WTG Aluminum Imports can supply aluminum coil, sheets and plates to your specification for any product use. The factories we use for production of these products are mid-sized and larger mills which have export experience with proven reliability in quality and delivery times.
We offer all standard alloys in a broad range of thicknesses and widths. And we can provide any common surface finish:
♦ standard mill finish ♦ one-side or two-side painting ♦ smooth or textured finish ♦ tread brite - diamond and other patterns
We custom cut all goods to your specification. Additional fabrication is available on request.
Our products are shipped using our customer's required packaging and palletizing. Normally we ship coil and sheet goods in 20-ft containers due to weight limitations. However, we also can offer co-loading with other light-weight products for maximum usage of container space and reduction of shipping cost.
WTG is pleased to provide quotes based on your product specifications.